We've Changed Our Name, Updated Our Website and Expanded Our Services Take a look at our free resources for leadership and career development. Check out Dr. Jan Hoistad Partners new website. | | Check Out Our Recent Articles Looking for work place management tips? Need ideas on how to mitigate office conflict? Readying your company for the 2020 workforce? Check out DJHP's blog for new articles and sign up for our RSS feed here so you don't miss anything. | | For Leaders More and more companies are looking for innovative ways to make "fun" part of the corporate culture, and it has a little something to do with what's being called the 2020 workforce. Read more here... Culture does more for a company than provide employees a great place to work. It can set you on the track for long-term success. When you actively develop your culture based on a clear set of values, beliefs, principles, and expectations, you're essentially establishing a personality for your business, and that personality helps to differentiate you in a number of different ways. Read more here... | | The media often presents a contradictory picture of young people, focusing on their almost constant need for praise and feedback. While the desire for a little praise is true of all generations, it does seem to be more prevalent among Millennials — and possibly detrimental for their personal and professional growth. Read more here... Ideally, your workplace is where you are encouraged and empowered to make a difference. A job should be one of the ways in which you learn and grow as a person, and you feel you are making a contribution. If that is not true for you, and you are experiencing negative feelings, bullying, nasty competitiveness or other bad behavior on a regular basis, what are your choices? Read more here... | | | |